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25. Juli 2018 af Benjamin Balder Bach
safespaces4youth dreamtown denmark

Through a series of short films, the lives and dreams of young people in three African countries are portrayed. In between the films, Dreamtown, FAIR, and ActionAid Denmark will tell about the visions behind our respective organisations, the youth-driven organisations that we support, and how our work helps to create #SafeSpace4Youth.

The event is our contribution to the UN International Youth Day 2018. By 2050, Africa’s youth …

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19. Juli 2018 af Benjamin Balder Bach
malawi tminds crowdfunding

In December 2017, we announced our first-ever Crowdfunding campaign. It has concluded now, and our friends from tMinds are going to do an inclusive visit and evaluation of around 22 schools! The purpose of the funding is both to enable the travel of volunteers to go as far as 300 km, but also to transport equipment and upgrades to all of these centres in the same swoop.

In the …

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18. Maj 2018 af Benjamin Balder Bach
malawi ewaste

Sub-Saharan countries, for instance Rwanda or Kenya, have responsible e-waste recycling. This is both evidence that it can work, and an indirect call: It is time to have such capacity in Malawi!

However, it is not yet a reality. But we are very encouraged after a April/May 2018 tour, having discussed this at several levels. Both local entrepreneurs can play a role, and so can established businesses. We are …

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2. April 2018 af Benjamin Balder Bach
denmark gdpr privacy English Danish

(Scroll down for English)

I FAIR går vi op i at sikre privatliv og anden følsom data. En af hovedaktiviteterne i vores organisation er at overskrive data og dermed sikre, at de ikke falder i de forkerte hænder.

Derfor synes vi også, at GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) er et tiltag i den rigtige retning. Og som en organisation, der i forvejen behandler persondata, kan vi genkende mange af udfordringerne, …

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2. April 2018 af Luiza Scalco
tminds mzuzu malawi English

Reuben, 29 years old and currently assistant lecturer at the ICT Department at Mzuzu University, started at FAIR as a proud volunteer during his studies at Mzuzu University, and later became a staff member at the university. His experience at FAIR gave him the opportunity to put knowledge into practice, and  ultimately shaped his career, by giving him important tools to work with ICT for development as well as inspiration …

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5. Februar 2018 af Benjamin Balder Bach

Læs hele opslaget her (PDF)

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8. Februar 2017 af Philip Douglass
danmark fest Danish English

Friday 17.Feb kl. 17:17, 2017, Birkedommervej 31, 3.sal, 2400 NV

(English below)

Kom og vær med til at invie det nye værksted og sociale rum! Der vil være drinks og info om vores arbejde. Vi har henover nogle intense uger bygget "nye" faciliteter (dvs genbrugt materialer fra nær og fjern) og malet alting i fantastiske farver. Det kommer til at danne rammerne for yderligere tusinder af genbrugte computere. Værd at …

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22. Januar 2017 af Benjamin Balder Bach
danmark Danish English

(scroll down for English)

Kom og sving en skruemaskine eller en pensel og lær nye tricks - Vi bruger flotte farver maling og genbrugsmaterialer.

Tilmelding og arbejdsskema på >

Del vores Facebook-event >

Det er Morten og Elizabeth fra K-O-N-T-O, som har designet det nye værksted. Det skal være et godt sted at arbejde med genbrug og pakning af computere, li'som det bliver et socialt miljø og kontormiljø både …

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8. September 2016 af Philip Douglass
danmark medlemmer Danish

Så længe vi kan huske, har FAIR haft åbningstid om torsdagen -- det flytter vi nu til onsdag kl 16:00-17:00, samt efterfølgende fast møde for frivillige.

I åbningstiden kan medlemmer aflevere brugbare computere, skærme, etc.

Det er bedste hvis I ringer først så vi ved at I er på vej . Vel mødt!

P.S. Den evige opfordring: Husk at spørge vores primære leverandører, nemlig jeres arbejdspladser, om de også …

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20. Maj 2015 af Benjamin Balder Bach
debate internet

Facebook has launched, maybe a solution that will provide internet access to lots of people who need it? In this post, I'll explain what I think about it, because certainly it doesn't seem like a project we can just ignore.

Others are also discussing the issue, and already a group of 65 international organizations have signed a letter with lots of criticism of Facebook's new project. Having just …

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