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18. Marts 2014 af Bent Blindbæk
danmark generalforsamling


Torsdag den 10. april 2014 kl. 17.00


Birkedommervej 31, 3. 2400 København NV,%202400


I henhold til vores vedtægter

Deltagelse i generalforsamlingen forudsætter at kontingentet for 2014 er betalt inden dagen for generalforsamlingen.

Efter generalforsamlingen vil der blive serveret lidt at spise og man vil kunne købe øl, vand og vin til rimelige priser.

Af hensyn til bespisningen vil vi gerne have en tilmelding på …

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13. Marts 2014 af Benjamin Balder Bach
danmark screens Danish

Vi har en masse skærme, som skal testes og pakkes. Derfor holder vi en arbejdsdag dedikeret til dette. Ideen er, at vi efter bedste Ford-model laver et samlebånd, hvor nogle tester, nogle pakker, nogle laver kaffe og andre snakker.

Som altid opfordrer vi til at tage resterne fra køleskabet med.

Vi glæder os til at se jer allesammen!

Vel mødt,


Søndag d. 6. april 10:00 - 17:00

(klik …

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20. Februar 2014 af Benjamin Balder Bach
danmark letsgo logistik Danish

FAIR har indgået et samarbejde med non-profit delebil-foreningen LetsGo, som betyder fordele for både FAIRs direkte arbejde (nu kan vi hente it-udstyr med delebiler!) og derudover for FAIRs medlemmer: ½ pris på medlemskontingent og indmeldelsesgebyr hos LetsGo. Der findes p.t. delebiler i København, Århus, Hedensted, Greve og Herning.

FAIR har gennem en længere årrække hentet it-udstyr hos virksomheder, hvilket ofte er en omstændig proces for en frivilligt opbygget forening. Vi …

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16. Januar 2014 af Bent Blindbæk
danmark frivillige medlemmer partnerskab Danish

Her en lille dronninge-agtig afrunding på 2013. Lidt skål-tale og lidt alvor.

Tak til frivillige, medlemmer og virksomheder, som udgør substansen i vores forening -- og mange varme tanker til vores samarbejdspartnere i Malawi, som imødekommer en hård hverdag og får projekterne til at lykkes. De bærer projekterne frem med både fælles og egne visioner og den viljestyrke, der skal til for at få tingene til at lykkes under ofte …

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15. November 2013 af Benjamin Balder Bach
conference denmark

Sorry about the short notice: From Saturday November 16th, we'll be with a small stand at the Copenhagen Sustain Festival with a lot of other organizations with a green / sustainable aspect. More precisely, you can meet Ove, Hanne, and Benjamin.

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14. November 2013 af Ove Lynge Larsen

FAIR Danmark are happy to welcome 2 new partners.

Fredensborg Forsyningen

Companies that donate equipment, get a number of benefits when they make a partnership with FAIR.

FAIR Denmark can assist the company to spread the message of commitment and social responsibility - both internally among employees and externally with customers, partners and press.

Maybe your company or the company where you are employed, should consider setting up a partnership with FAIR …

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8. November 2013 af Benjamin Balder Bach
khan academy open access open content English

FAIR is happy to see the progress of the newly found Foundation for Learning Equality recently showcased in BBC Future (3:46).

First of all, their invention and on-going open source project KA Lite has meant availability of vast educational video materials and the potential of an online classroom environment in an otherwise offline ICT centre.

The vision is almost identical to FAIR's vision in Malawi, where centres apart from …

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29. Oktober 2013 af Philip Douglass
collections denmark English

In the second week of October 2013 the Technical University of Denmark hosted the 4th Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe conference, a gathering of leading experts in the field of intelligent energy systems. FAIR Danmark was present at the conference with a donation box where conference participants could donate their complementary USB flash drives. In total 59 flash drives were collected. We want to thank all of the drive …

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6. Oktober 2013 af Benjamin Balder Bach
malawi mzuzu English

Kicking off our installation trip around the Northern region of Malawi, we setup the first centre at the home campus of our partner, Mzuzu University.

The centre was a wish by the university administration and the ICT Committee to provide better ICT access for students at the university. The need for better ICT access is critical: 3,100 registered students in 2013 and no general access …

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18. September 2013 af Benjamin Balder Bach
malawi mzuzu English

We are very excited to announce that Mzuzu University (Mzuni), Northern Educational Division (NED), and FAIR have signed a Memorandum of Understanding about the current and future activities to provide sustainable ICT centres for secondary school education in Malawi.

The MOU has been planned since February 2013, through a number of physical meetings, and not least through online collaboration by email, chat, and Google Docs.

The project is very mutual: …

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