Transport af udstyr til Mzuzu Univeristy og tMinds

Efter en meget lang told-frigivelsesproces, blev udstyr til secondary schools i Malawi opbevaret på NICE's kontor i Lilongwe kørt på lastvogn til Mzuzu University, hvor foreningen tMinds vil distribuere det.

Burnett from tMinds / Mzuzu University waves goodbye - take-off to Mzuzu! A 5-6 hour drive North. Equipment is carefully fixed and fitted with cardboard. The cover keeps it dry from heavy rains.

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Activities related to FAIR Denmark & Norway are documented for the purpose of sharing knowledge and understanding of our vision. Therefore, unless another license is mentioned in the below attribution, what you see here is licensed CC-BY, meaning that you can use the images if you attribute us. We would love to hear back from you, if you do so!

Credits: Pieter Vancraeyveld & Benjamin Bach
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